Campus Accessibility
Accessible Campus Parking
Students who are seeking information related to accessible campus parking, please visit the Parking Services website.
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
- Review the Monroe Community College Evacuation Procedures.
- Consider an evacuation plan for housing facilities, classroom buildings, cafeteria, library and other campus buildings.
- Familiarize yourself with the closest fire exits, doors, stairs and fire extinguishers when you enter buildings for the first time.
- Students with visual impairments should follow regular evacuation procedures. Students who are not thoroughly familiar with the immediate surroundings should ask another person for guidance to the nearest emergency exit. The person who is providing assistance should guide the student as they walk, describe the pathway, any obstacles, and orient the student to the surroundings when they have reached a safe place.
- Students with hearing impairments may not readily perceive emergency alarms, please note that alarms are equipped with strobes which flash in the event of an emergency. Students with hearing impairments can receive emergency communication through visual cues, such as eye contact, gestures, and touch.
- Students with mobility impairments who are on the ground floor may be able to exit unassisted. For students with mobility impairments that are unable to exit a building safely should report to the nearest “Emergency Assembly Area” to wait the arrival of public safety, emergency personnel, police, or fire department. Note: Only in the case of an extreme emergency should lifting and/or transporting by untrained emergency personnel be considered.
Helpful MCC Safety Resources
Location & Contacts
Brighton Campus
Building 3, Room 103
Monday thru Friday
8:45am to 4:45pm
Phone: (585) 292-2140
Fax: (866) 308-6118
Downtown Campus
Student Engagement Center
Floor 3, Room 310
Monday thru Friday
8:45am to 4:45pm
(585) 292-2140
Fax: (866) 308-6118