Voter Registration

You have the right to make your voice heard through participation in local, state and national elections. The first step is to register to vote. And, once you are registered, we are committed to helping you become an engaged and informed voter.

Voter Registration Forms

There are a number of ways you can obtain a form to register. Paper forms will be available on campus once the college fully reopens.

You may use one of the following links to download and print a form (English or Spanish) which you will then mail to the Board of Elections for the county you are registering for.

NY Voter Registration Form in English (PDF) NY Voter Registration Form in Spanish (PDF) 
You may also register to vote online through the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.

You have a choice about the address you use for voter registration. You can register at your permanent address or at the on-campus or off-campus address where you will be living while you attend MCC. Students who register at their permanent address will need to either return home to vote or vote by absentee ballot.

If you are registering at an address in New York State outside of Monroe County, you can find the address for that county on the Board of Elections website

You can change your registration at any time by filling out a new voter registration form, but there are important deadlines that must be followed. You may only be registered and vote in one location at a time. When you submit a new form, the previous registration information will no longer be valid.


All registered voters should plan to vote on Election Day. Not sure where to go to vote? Find your polling place.

If you know you will not be able to get to your polling place on Election Day, you can file an application for an absentee ballot. The application for an absentee ballot must be postmarked seven days prior to Election Day, but you should allow more time if possible to ensure the ballot gets to you on time. You will receive your ballot in the mail to complete and be postmarked to the Board of Elections by the day before Election Day. Should you need to request an absentee ballot, use one of the following links (English or Spanish).

NY Absentee Ballot in English (PDF) NY Absentee Ballot in Spanish (PDF) 
Do you need assistance with the registration or voting process, or have questions?

  • Contact the Monroe County Board of Elections, 39 Main Street West, Rochester, NY 14614, (585) 753-1550
  • Visit the Office of Student Life and Leadership Development, Room 3-126
  • Email the Student Life and Leadership office or call (585) 292-2534

Check back regularly for additional information regarding important dates for the primaries.

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